On Communion
First off, let me say that I'm stoked to see the ensuing discussions with other fellow traditionalists as regards what constitutes "true" traditionalism. I think that those in our group, as well some outside, have enough objectivity and ability to think for themselves to ensure honest, frank and meaningful discussion about the issues Friends of La Nef hopes to make "non-issues" one day.
What I'd like to do in this post is give some insights from the Holy Father's Encyclical, "God is Love," that I think serve well as the substratum for any meaningful discussion of the issues facing traditionalists.
As I was reading through the Encyclical a couple of weeks ago, I ran across a passage that struck me. In speaking of the Eucharist the Holy Father writes:
... this sacramental "mysticism" is social in character, for in sacramental communion I become one with the Lord, like all the other communicants. (Deus Caritas Est, 14)
(emphasis mine)
The point I want to make is this: Though much time will be spent talking about the "licitness" of Masses, the subjective state of the adherents to these Masses, etc., if there is one underlying lynchpin to the whole discussion, the above quote says it all. The fact stands that through the Eucharist we become one with other baptized members of His Body, regardless of whether or not we like the person. To commit any kind of injury to another member of the Body will not only damage the other member, but the Body as a whole.
Why I am I bringing this up? As obvious as this all might seem, I think we tend to forget about it. We forget that, subjective motives aside, objectively we are sacramentally united with most of the folks we are going to "butt heads" against. I think keeping this simple but profound truth of sacramental communion in our minds will take us light-years ahead in our ability to treat others with charity as we seek to correct the negativity that has affected us all too closely in our involvement with Traditional Catholicism.
I really don't know that the Holy Father has "sibling rivalry" in mind when he speaks about sacramental communion in the above passage. But, I know that the issue is one close to his heart in virtue of his past post and all that it entailed. I pray that we'll all take to heart his words, which are certainly also his wishes.
God Bless,
Patrick Morris
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