Friday, September 30, 2005

Hmmmmm, Another Area Where I May Be the Oddman... the subject of why I support Ecclesia Dei. I do not do so for the same reasons that many probably do but I will note them nonetheless. Pete noted the following:

Two of the tricks of the trade we learn as writers is "show, don't tell" and "use the specific over the general."

This is true in the sense that specifics personalize something more than the general which is more abstract to some extent. Nonetheless, positions usually have to be framed on general principles if they are to escape the subjectivist element of the equation and have a universal character to them. While specifics are to be used over the general in the event of a conflict a marriage of sorts between the general and the specific is best in my opinion.

One of the reasons I appreciate the traditional liturgy is that it appeals to all five senses -- thus providing a rich base from which Catholic writers can "show" the Mass in specific language.

Thus "colorful vestments" become "rich golden patterns of crosses, chalices and other sacred objects weaved into the crimson chasuble." With regard to sound, Gregorian and Polyphony also facilitate vivid description, and incense presents many possibilities as well.

These are all parts of the equation for me but only parts. The main reason was a conscious reflection upon the unity-in-diversity that defines the essence of authentic catholicity. I am aware of how my ancestors suffered under myopic moronic Latin prelates trying to impose western customs on them{1} and that probably is the primary reason right there and everything else is derivatival to some extent.

As far as Gregorian and Polyphany go, I do attend most frequently a hybrid Latin/English liturgy at my parish where they use incense and where many of the common prayers are sung in Latin. Frankly, I think incense and some Latin should be in all masses of the Roman rite but that is my personal preference of course.

On that note, I invite both our readers and our other bloggers to (1) "show" me how your local indult exemplifies reverence and beauty (2) using specific, rather than general, language.

I have never attended the Indult that I worked to get in my dioceses so I cannot achieve the first point or the second one.


{1} On this score, there was a separation in the family where some went from the Ukrainian Catholic church in their town (Wilton, North Dakota) to the Ukrainian Orthodox church. (Included in that grouping was my material great grandfather whose name I bear as a first name incidentally enough.) This was the result of imperialist notions of "uniformity" and it is consciousness of my ancestors that makes me not want to see the same thing happen again which is the primary driving factor. (And a desire to see a reunion between the Churches of the west and east and how we need to manifest this diversity amongst ourselves if we are to ever persuade our eastern brethren of our sincerity.)
